Thursday, December 17, 2009

Something I don't understand

A few things, actually...
I'm in kind of a depressed mood.
I don't understand why my dog will NOT stop peeing in my room and strewing my trash all over the floor. I think she knows how to open doors, I'm not kidding.

I don't understand why the "no more marking" spray has absolutely no effect on my dog, and why its "pleasant fragrance" makes me feel like coughing and choking when I spray it on my carpet.

I don't understand why people bother with politics when all it does is make them unhappy.

I don't understand why I make some of the social decisions I do, why I can be so antisocial, why certain groups of people bug the hell out of me and why i'm friends with some of the people i'm friends with. That one especially.

I don't understand why I'm bothering to keep writing blogs when I honestly believe maybe one or two people read them. A normal journal would be much more effective... I wouldn't have to edit what I write. I do a lot of editing. Just in case.

I don't understand why an 83 has to be a C in AP english (but i'm really glad I pulled an 84).

I don't understand the way some people act in high school, and can be so completely oblivious to themselves. I don't understand why I can't just go to college now.

Speaking of, I don't understand why the UofA communication is so terrible and unclear.

I don't understand why out of state tuition has to be sooo expensive and why Tuscon has to be so ugly.

Anyways, now that that's out... The rest of my day was pretty good. Hahaha. I got a mani-pedi combo and it was really, really nice and relaxing... and no matter whatever else is depressing me, it's really nice to think that I don't have to go to school tomorrow, and I don't EVER have to take a SINGLE math class again in my LIFE. God that makes me happy.

unless I change my major. But i'm not planning on it.

And i'll be in Tuscon/Phoenix for the majority of the break until London. Which i'm so excited for at this point.

And I still need to find a nice pair of Wellies.


  1. Keep your blog!! We just need more people to get one! And those boots are adorable. :)

  2. I love those Wellies! So cute!!! Where are they from?

  3. oh thanks :) hahaha no idea, I just looked up cute wellies on google. :P

    but I found some yesterday at forever 21, they were cheap and cute and i'm happy now. and I found a really really cute umbrella too! so i'll be pissed if it doesn't actually rain. Really pissed. hahahah
