Saturday, July 10, 2010

summer living

I'm in phoenix with my dad and fiancee, tying on my brand spanking new mac book pro :)
I love it! i'm so happy to finally have my own computer. the only thing is, I wish all of my photos and documents and music were already on this computer. it's a pain to transfer all of them.
I should blog more, since this is the summer and i'll have more time to do that now than when school starts... so let's think. What monumental things have happened?

I found out I got a five on the AP english test, which was so unexpected, but awesome. I finally feel confident in my english abilities. I wish that I wasn't that way. It's like, when i feel like i'm good at something, i'm usually right, but one bad experience can put me into thinking that i'm not as good as I thought I was. It's that way with everything. I go back and forth between thinking i'm good and thinking i'm below par at everything. It always takes something big to prove to myself that i'm really right. But, then it goes away again. It's a neverending cycle.

anyways, also, i've been sewing more, since my sisters got me an awesome sewing machine for graduation. It's actually the model they use in project runway. I found a cool dress pattern in another blog that i've made a few dresses of. I would post a picture of the finished product if I had one at the moment, but I don't. I'll be sure to take some soon.

and this is sad, but my dog unexpectedly got cancer and we had to put her down a few days ago. It was just so sudden. We came back from our california vacation and she seemed off; she stopped eating after a few days and was panting like she couldn't breathe well, so we took her to the vet and they did a blood test and found that her white blood cell count was 3 times what it should have been. that either means an infection or cancer, and it was not an infection because she didn't have a fever or anything. So we didn't want to see her suffer... she was already refusing to eat anything and having trouble breathing and not getting any sleep because of that... It was sad.