Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I lose important things frequently

well, it's been a while.
i'm thinking of starting a fashion focused blog. I have always felt like that's a vain thing to do, because it's just like saying to the world "look, i dress cute! so cute that i'm going to tell you how I make up each of my outfits so you can copy me!" and... i've never been much of a fan. well, i like reading fashion blogs, but i've always felt like i couldn't do one because it's too vain. but i think i'll give it a try. it's more like... laying all your ideas out in front of your face on a screen because they're better that way, rather than contained in your head. it helps you process things. come up with new, better ideas. It's like journaling, in a way. fashion journal! hahah.

well, anyway, that's my take on the whole thing. I think i'm too lazy to update regularly, though. and also, i can't find my digital camera, which really sucks. but once i find it (i'm crossing my fingers that i will), maybe i'll start my fashion blog.

also, i'm... kind of enjoying my summer thus far. kind of. it seems like i had this built up ideal of summer in my head that my actions aren't fulfilling this time around. maybe it's cause i have a job this summer, so i'm always having things i actually need to do and places i need to be. it kind of sucks. but at least i'm making money. Anyways. more to come later.