Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today is the third day i've spent exactly $6.32 at Starbucks. We're completely out of coffee creamer AND milk. I only realized that after I made myself a full pot of coffee the other morning. So, I've been forced to go to starbucks in the bookstore every morning, wait in the out-the-door line with the sorority girls ordering their passion teas and venti double shot iced soy skinny vanilla lattes, and pay that much for a tall pumpkin spice latte and a scone that I down in ten minutes. This morning I watched the barista put the whipped cream and lid on my drink, then look at the cup for my name and get that puzzled look on her face like they always do, and call out "Pumpkin spice latte for Louis."

Um, I've gotten Elsie before, and Alice many times, usually as the result of the misspelling "elise," but never before have I gotten Louis. I was embarrassed to go up and claim my drink. The lady got confused and wrote "louise." I guess it's always too loud in starbucks. Anyways, dorm life kind of sucks and i'm quite tired of eating shitty food all the time. Today all i've eaten is my latte, my scone, and some pringles. This sucks. I can't wait to go grocery shopping.

I've been feeling the need to blog more. So I figure, why not start now, when i'm supposed to
be writing a 5 page, 150 point essay or practicing scales and my orchestral excerpt for my most important midterm tomorrow? I get the most unnecessary things accomplished when i'm trying to procrastinate something. Maybe if I wear my glasses it will help me feel more scholarly and inspired. What I want the most is to just have a clear, clean desktop and make myself a pot of coffee and drink it out of my favorite mug. That always makes me feel more able to get started on work. But... we have no milk.

I like thinking that no matter how bad I might mess up my scales and excerpt, no matter how late I stay up writing this paper, tomorrow at this time I will be done and have this weight off my shoulders. And then i'm going grocery shopping.

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